New - easy climb step variants for low bunk, loft and space-saver beds
Over the last year we have been slowly introducing a new variant in our popular kids beds range. Many of our customers have been requesting our bunk and loft bed designs with easy climb or walk up stairs that make it easy for your child to access and leave their bed.
A lot of our existing designs feature a vertical ladder for access which is a great compact space saving option, but the down side is a vertical ladder can be hard to climb for some children. One option we have done a few times in the past is to modify our ladders to graduated steps where we widen the sides and bottom and middle steps to make the ladder a bit more like stairs and easier to climb. However the proper walk up stairs option is far more accessible and easier for young children to manage getting in and out of bed. In addition it also incorporates extra storage built in, with a drawer located under each step, and also a sloped side which acts as a guard and hand rail.
In actual fact, our very first space saver bed design was the Spacesaver kids beds with cupboards and drawers which also featured steps with drawers underneath. This bed which is still largely unchanged since we introduced it back in 2015, has the stairs in front of the bed which makes it suitable mainly for larger rooms. The reason we started designing more compact loft beds with ladders was to keep the beds as space efficient as possible hence the subsequent introduction of the Compact space saver bed with open shelves and the one with cupboard doors.
With time due to many requests for easy climb options we finally designed the walk up stairs at the end of the bed which adds to the length of the bed but not the width making it more space and bedroom friendly. To date we have added to our kids beds range:
Low mid height bunk bed with easy climb steps
Low Loft bed with transvers trundle and easy climb steps
Long wall Spacesaver bed with pull out desk
Cubby house bed with walk up steps!
As usual we offer these beds in many variations including he ability to choose if you want the steps to be on the left of the right side of the bed. This will ensure you can order the bed that will best suit the layout of your bedroom.